
About admin

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So far admin has created 33 blog entries.
7 10, 2023

Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Clinics


The Natick Walpole Visiting Nurse Association staff conducts clinics for blood pressure checks, other screenings and provides health information at the following times and places: Sherborn - Pilgrim Church [...]

Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Clinics2024-01-19T08:47:10-05:00
7 10, 2023

Meet our New CEO!


The Natick Walpole VNA is excited to welcome Eileen Garvey as our new CEO. As our CFO for more than 20 years, Eileen will continue to bring her expertise and [...]

Meet our New CEO!2023-12-14T08:40:57-05:00
7 10, 2023

Happy Holidays


Did you know… that there are about 14 different holidays celebrated between November and January—all with beautiful meanings and traditions from special foods and drinks, to games, gifts, rituals and [...]

Happy Holidays2023-12-14T08:37:15-05:00
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